For more than ten years, the Heidelberger Musikstiftung has accompanied the Musikfestival and the Liedzentrum as a sponsor and strong partner. It is the founders' wish to strengthen both in their self-image as cultural organizers and to create scope for further developments.

Together with the four main partners of the Heidelberger Frühling Musikfestival - building materials manufacturer Heidelberg Materials (founding partner), financial services provider MLP SE, pharmaceutical company Octapharma AG and software company SAP SE - the Musikstiftung 2021 has launched the Fonds Stiftung Zukunftsmusik. It is particularly committed to the sustainable promotion of young artists and their projects. In addition to funding a one-year scholarship for a selected young string quartet, it made possible the free concert programme re:start at the Heidelberger Frühling Musikfestival 2022.

Foundation Board
Thorsten Schmidt (Chairman), Christian Eckhardt, Christine Pangels

Board of Trustees
Dr. Uwe Schroeder-Wildberg (Chairman), Prof. Dr. Claus E. Heinrich, Dr. Caroline von Kretschmann, Beate Spiegel, Christian Wessendorf

Board of Trustees
Dr. Dr. h.c. Manfred Fuchs, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Götze, Dr. Renate Keysser-Götze, Ernst-Friedrich von Kretschmann, Dr. h.c. Manfred Lautenschläger, Wolfgang Marguerre, Günter Reimann-Dubbers, Bernhard Schreier, Gabriele von Weizsäcker, Dr. Hans-Peter Wild

In Memoriam
Dr. Manfred Lamy, Prof. Dr. Anneliese and Dr. Jobst Wellensiek

The statute describes the mission of the Musikstiftung Heidelberg.

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Bank details:
Musikstiftung Heidelberg
Heidelberg Volksbank
IBAN DE90 6729 0000 0055 0000 00